• Corrected cophe.susie input to accept only query trait datasets.
  • Set default values for fixed priors (pa and pc) in cophe.single and cophe.susie
  • Updated diagnostics of MCMC chains in vignettes
  • Fixed prior information added in vignette
  • Submitted to CRAN
  • Changed one instance of print() to message()
  • Changed plotting functions where querytrait and query_trait_names are now required arguments instead of optional in prepare_plot_data, get_beta, cophe_plot, cophe_heatmap.
  • reset global user parameters after running vignettes.
  • Updated vignettes
  • Fixed minor note from CRAN auto-check of 1.2.0
  • re-attempted CRAN submission but persistent note regarding access to internal functions
  • 1.1.0 CRAN re-submission
  • Fixed warnings from CRAN auto-check of 1.0.0
  • RcppArmadillo only in LinkingTo and removed from imports
  • Updated vignettes
  • Passed local R CMD checks and tested on R 4.3.1
  • Prepared package for CRAN submission
  • Github version
  • Added a NEWS.md file to track changes to the package.